Smart Packaging

smart packaging

PopPack is continuing its work with novel, “Smart Packaging” innovations with a design systems approach for disrupting the packaging value chain.

Our packaging design-tech with EasyPop® is interoperable with third party technology systems such as sensors, NFC, blockchain, data tokens, mobile data and other “smart systems.”  We believe that the EasyPop® tamper-evident, interactive packaging feature, combined with IoT and dynamic data, can benefit consumers with added convenience, reduce the eco-footprint and create a more efficient, traceable supply chain.

We are in continuous communications with leading IoT suppliers and supply chain leaders who are working with us to integrate their technologies inside the EasyPop® “air bubble”.  In this way, we will be able to provide brand owners and clients with secure, interoperable smart packaging solutions. We are studying packaging of the future that can provide transparent and trusted information about the source of its contents or its ingredients throughout the supply chain.

PopPack’s EasyPop® Air-Powered Package® can help brand owners and suppliers provide transparent, trusted and untampered information about the source and conditions of products throughout the supply chain

This collective data could include contents, product ingredients and product uses – helpful for the retailer, distributor and consumer. A package with product that is safe and ready to use, consume, with auxillary data, which is unique per package, can also be personalized for the consumer, making products more valuable, interactive and purposeful.

Interactive data is facilitated through third-party nano tech data tokens or tags embedded inside the tamper-evident EasyPop® air-bubble. Unique digital watermarks could be placed between micro layers of the film within the air bubble.  When the consumer “pops” the EasyPop® bubble, a world of interactive data is unleashed, including valuable just-in-time information that can be immediately accessed by the consumer.

Information delivered can be customized per package and personalized –valuable for delivering a direct to consumer marketing experience, while creating brand affinity and loyalty.

And, when consumers are ready to discard the package, interactive data will direct the consumer with valued incentives for the proper recycling instructions with actions to encourage post-consumer waste conversion, proper sorting and re-use.  Through our vision and invention, it is our hope to locally facilitate and accelerate more efficient and effective sorting, recycling, compacting and composting of empty post-consumer plastic packages.

Our goal is to encourage the recycling of empty plastic packages and to assist consumers and brand owners so that post-consumer plastic packaging is used purposefully, in the best possible way to make new products, converted into new polymers for future packaging, or converted into safe energy – – and never to become litter or waste.

Our critical focus is to commercialize and scale integrated, applied “smart” technologies for the packaging industry through our “Smarter Packaging” programs, including the development of projects such as the “PopPouch®” and the “Smarter Bottle” for beverages and liquids, which use the unique, universal “EasyPop®” system patented by PopPack®Our priorities are to achieve global sustainability goals and circularity milestones.

PopPack is continuing to actively identify, develop and integrate novel interoperable technologies for EasyPop®, the Air-Powered Package®, working in collaboration with industry leaders.

We are involved in creating marketing and commercialization strategies from design and production to consumer use. By cultivating industry networks, we continue to facilitate the critical collaborations which are required to achieve these goals.

We thank our affiliates and dedicated colleagues for their assistance and support with our Research and Development for this initiative who have worked in collaboration with PopPack LLC and our affiliate, Vivia Ventures B.V. in the Netherlands:

AIPIA, Active and Intelligent Packaging Association
IC Foods
UC Davis, California Institute of Food and Agricultural Research (CIFAR)
Wageningen UR, Center for Bio-based Research and Plant Research (Multi-spectral Imagery)
ICRISAT I-Hub, International Crops Research Institute of the Semi-Arid Tropics
India Institute of Technology
Holst Center, The Netherlands
Aimplas Plastics Technology Center, Spain
Vivia Ventures B.V.

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EasyPop® design technology is licensed by PopPack LLC in the USA, with marketing and commercial development by Vivia Ventures.B.V. in the Netherlands.

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