Reducing Packaging Waste

Reducing packaging waste is a critical problem facing our world. These issues are integral to the exponential growth of the packaging industry. While the global supply chain is rapidly expanding the production of consumer goods and packaged products, our world has reached an inflection point.  In order to reduce packaging waste, we should design packaging for multi-use purposes, and increase solutions for more efficient, cost-effective recycling, upcycling and re-purposing of waste plastics. Systems are improving for the conversion of recycled plastics to make new packaging materials and to produce consumer products, industrial products and clean energy.

PopPack’s research and development activities are focused on reducing packaging waste. 

After years of development, testing and re-testing, prototyping and refinement, PopPack LLC developed an entire line of packages to minimize packaging waste.  Our research and development focusses on reducing packaging waste by re-design of the package itself.

  1. Reduce the amount of plastic material (film) used
  2. Eliminate loose plastics, strips, caps, fitments, straws, lids and other uncollected parts
  3. Keep packages simple, streamlined and light weight, without excess materials
  4. Produce the package from one mono-material so that it is easily sorted and recycled
  5. Keep the package intact, so that the package does not tear or rip apart
  6. Maintain tamper evidence to reduce unused, wasted packages
  7. Convert packages from single use to multi-use
  8. Encourage consumers to carry and toss, sort and recycle their used packages

Our packages are designed for liquids and solids.  All designs can be customized and adapted to utilize the EasyPop® system – an air bubble used to “pop-open” a package to easily break the seal of any flexible package, providing functionality and multi-use options.

PopPack’s novel, simple, lightweight design feature requires significantly less plastic film.

For liquid products and beverages, no caps, lids or fitments are needed.  The package can be made of one single “mono-material”, made of 100% recycled plastic films and/or recyclable films. The package designs can be of nearly any imaginable shape, size and form, with ergonomic ease of opening, use and re-use.  Packages do not tear – they remain intact, without loose tear strips and plastic pieces.  Packages can be used with controlled dispensing, pouring and re-closing. For liquids and beverages, we have designed a one-way self-closing valve into the bubble design. Since the entire package remains intact, all of our packages are collectible and recyclable.

Additionally, we are working with global partners, research centers and our affiliate companies, Vivia Ventures B.V. and Vivia Foundation to develop innovative polymers, film and packaging technologies for recyclable, bio-friendly, flexible and semi-rigid packages used for food, beverages, health products and a variety of consumer and industrial products. 

Key goals include source reduction of packaging and designing post-consumer packaging collection systems, recycling and up-cycling techniques facilitated through innovative interactive technologies, with socio-economic incentives to benefit urban and rural communities.

We thank our affiliates and dedicated colleagues for their assistance and support with our Research and Development for this initiative:

U.S. Plastic Pact (Activator Member
Plastic Pact – Netherlands (Member)
Holland Circular Hotspot
United Nations Development Programme, UNDP – Delhi, India
Wageningen UR, The Netherlands
University of California, Davis
Millennium Institute
OOST-NL, The Netherlands
Catalyze, The Netherlands
Vivia Ventures B.V.
Vivia Foundation

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EasyPop® design technology is licensed by PopPack LLC in the USA, with marketing and commercial development by Vivia Ventures.B.V. in the Netherlands.

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